Earth Day is right around the corner.
But, just because we’re all stuck at home for this year’s celebration, doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the 50th anniversary of this special annual event and encourage others to do the same.
In fact, the message of Earth Day is more important today than ever before. The coronavirus pandemic has helped highlight the need for increased environmental protections to reduce our environmental impact on our rapidly changing planet.
Here are some of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day 2020 without leaving the house.
What Is Earth Day?
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide on April 22nd of each year.
It was first celebrated in 1970 and has grown by leaps and bounds since then. Today, more than a billion people in over 190 countries celebrate Earth Day thanks to the efforts of the Earth Day Network. It is now known as the world’s largest environmental movement.
The goal of Earth Day is to demonstrate support for environmental protection and raise awareness of how our actions as humans affect the planet, such as through pollution and deforestation.
The original Earth Day was first created by Denis Hayes and Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin as a reaction to the 1969 Santa Barbara Oil Spill.
In addition to raising awareness, the annual observational day has led to the passage of many environmental laws both in the United States and around the world. These include the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act not to mention the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.
At its heart, Earth Day is all about making the world a healthier, happier and more peaceful place for all its inhabitants.
How to Celebrate Earth Day 2020
The theme of Earth Day 2020 is “climate action.”
According to the Earth Day Network, climate change is the most pressing environmental issue today. Despite enormous challenges, there are ample opportunities for improvement. Tackling these is key to the future of humanity.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. But, because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, you’re encouraged to take action online.
The Earth Day Network suggests you take action in three main ways: joining the global digital surge, watching Earth Day Live online, and taking 24 hours of action.
In addition to discussing climate change with others, viewing Earth Day video performances, and watching digital teach-ins, you can celebrate by making an Earth Day window sign.
Of course, protecting the environment isn’t a one day a year task. In addition to fighting for better environmental policies year-round, there are dozens of ways to celebrate Earth Day every day of the year, starting with the Earth Day daily challenge.
Although much of the fight against climate change hinges on large-scale changes, every small step we can take to live greener as individuals and in our local communities is well worth it.
Earth Day 2020 and the Coronavirus Pandemic
Just because the coronavirus pandemic has us all staying at home, doesn’t mean that Earth Day 2020 won’t be successful.
In fact, the current crisis reminds us just what is at stake. In addition to the other negative effects of extreme weather, climate change increases the risk of infectious disease, including future pandemics.
Simply put, the time for action is now, even if that action must be restricted to digital spaces because of the current quarantine.
Interestingly, a silver lining to the current state of the world is that the coronavirus shutdown has led to several positive environmental benefits, notably a major reduction in pollution and a vast improvement in air quality in cities around the globe.
Final Thoughts
Speaking up, spreading the word, challenging yourself to a greener lifestyle, cleaning up your neighborhood, and learning something new are all part of Earth Day – but so is simply enjoying nature.
So, despite the current coronavirus quarantine, we encourage you to get outside for a walk (but make sure to practice social distancing), try forest bathing, relax in your backyard in your Mock One hammock, take in the Lyrid meteor shower (which coincidentally has its peak in the early morning hours on Earth Day), and otherwise enjoying all of the beauty Mother Earth has to offer.
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