Seeing a single shooting star is special but taking in a meteor shower is nothing short of mesmerizing.
But the problem with shooting stars is they appear and disappear so quickly – in a blink of an eye they’re there and then gone. On a normal night, you’ll be lucky to spot just one or two. During a meteor shower, however, it’s easy to spot a dozen or more shooting stars per hour!
With the Lyrid meteor shower just around the corner, and several more happening over the course of 2020, now’s the time to set up your Mock ONE hammock in the backyard and get ready to enjoy this beautiful celestial display of enchanting flashes with your whole family.
Here’s the best way to observe meteor showers from your backyard!
Upcoming Meteor Showers
The Lyrid meteor shower is the next major meteor shower in 2020.
Happening every April for over 2,700 years, the Lyrids last from about April 14th until the end of the month, although the best time to observe them is from April 19th to April 22nd.
The absolute best time to see the Lyrid meteor shower is at its peak in the early morning of Wednesday April 22nd, coincidentally the beginning of Earth Day!
Later in the year, in the middle of summer, the Perseid meteor shower flashes across the night skies, often with well over 50 shooting stars per hour.
The Perseids are active from about July 17th to August 24th. They are strongest on August 12th and August 13th in 2020. This is the most popular meteor shower in the northern hemisphere thanks to the warm summer nighttime weather.
Although often obscured due to cloudy weather, the wintertime Geminid meteor shower is notable as the strongest and brightest in the northern hemisphere. It’s also observable before midnight unlike most other major showers.
Mark your 2020 calendar for December 13th to December 14th if you hope to view the Geminids.
Several other meteor showers occur each year, in both the northern and southern hemispheres, including the Orionids, Leonids, and Ursids. But remember you can view shooting stars any time of the year with a little luck!
Best Way to Watch Meteor Showers
What’s great about watching a meteor shower is that no special equipment is required!
Your eyes are the only tool that you need – no binoculars or telescopes necessary. Of course, a dark sky is also essential (and, remember, the darker the sky, the better).
Meteor showers are visible in many suburbs but are brightest and easiest to see when you’re as far away from light pollution as possible. Rural areas are your best bet for viewing shooting stars.
Once in your backyard, or another suitably dark location, spend about 25 to 30 minutes letting your eyes adjust to the darkness. Don’t use your cellphone, flashlights, or any other light-emitting devices while viewing a meteor shower as you will then need to give your eyes time to readjust to the darkness.
The best time to view the Lyrid meteor shower is in the early morning on Wednesday April 22 when the sky is the darkest between midnight and dawn.
Each meteor shower has a radiant, a point where the meteors appear to originate. For the Lyrids, this radiant point is located near the constellation Lyra in the eastern part of the night sky.
A reclined position is best for viewing shooting stars. That’s where the Mock ONE hammock comes into the picture. Thanks to its built-in stand and foldable design, it’s easy to move into your backyard or another viewing location. Built-in pillows and the comfortable nylon fabric give you a cozy place to lounge and watch the heavens above.
You don’t need a hammock to watch meteor showers – but a comfortable hammock like the Mock ONE certainly makes the experience much more enjoyable!
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